Labels, label protectors, laminate and tape all have an adhesive layer, which can vary greatly in composition depending upon the intended design and use of the product. What is adhesive? It is the presence of a gummed back designed to stick or “adhere” to a flat surface. Adhesives range from removable to permanent, from acidic to acid-free and pH neutral, and from immediate adhesive bonding to delay-bond. As with all adhesive based products, proper application ensures maximum adhesion
and peak performance of the product. Application may vary from product to product, but one common and very important step in the application process is burnishing (rubbing while applying slight pressure). Burnishing the
entire topside area ensures that the underside adhesive layer is bonding to the surface that is receiving the adhesive product. For example, let’s say you’re wrapping a gift using a solid colored paper and a typical roll
of tape that you have on hand. You pull off a length of tape and place it on the paper to secure the joined pieces. The next thing most of us do without too much thought is rub the tape or scratch it with your fingernail.
We want to be sure the tape is going to stick and be as “invisible" as possible; this is burnishing. If you use the “invisible" tape at holiday time, you still need to burnish it in order for it to be “invisible".
Laminate should be cut larger than the book...
A protector or tape should be at least 1/8" larger than the label...
Choosing the appropriate size laminate, label protector or tape can be critical in the performance of the product.
Laminating: If you cut and apply laminate the exact size of a book it can easily be peeled off and will most likely be picked at due to the fact that it’s "visibly" there. Laminate
should be cut larger than the book to ensure there’s enough material to wrap to the inside cover and then burnished.
Label Protectors/Tape: A label protector or tape, should be at least 1/8" larger than the label on both the top and bottom and at least 1/2" larger than the label on each side. This
ensures complete label protection. If a protector or tape is applied only to the surface area of the label, you’re protecting the print on the label but you’re not reducing the risk of it being peeled off. If your protector
or tape were wider than the label but just as high, such as a typical band-aid, it would be subject to picking and peeling in the center portion.
Product defects can and do occur typically during the manufacturing process. However, defects are generally the exception and not the rule. Any time you have a customer with a complaint or
concern regarding an adhesive based product you should gather as much information as possible from the customer and apply the process of elimination via the steps mentioned below. If the concern cannot be explained,
notification should be sent immediately to Purchasing and Product Development staff. This will ensure that the stock on hand is evaluated, the vendor notified (if applicable) and the matter resolved.
Proper Storage:
- Adhesive based products should be stored in their original packaging when possible to protect them from humidity and moisture
- Store products in a location away from light, especially sunlight
- Products should be stored at a temperature ranging between 68 – 75 degrees F; extreme temperatures or fluctuation in temperature can affect the adhesive
- Store sheeted products upside down on a flat surface when not in use; this prevents curling
- Shelf life: When properly stored, products may have a shelf life of 11/2 - 2 years. As a standard, we advise a 1 year shelf life. Given that adhesive compounds vary so, too, does the shelf life.
- Products should not be exposed to areas near salt water/moisture. There was a librarian whose labels were lifting up and, after lab testing and a conversation with her, it was discovered that her library was near
the ocean front and she opened the windows to let the breeze flow through. The salt in the air was the cause.
Frequent Problems
Note: Unless otherwise specified “labels” will be used to represent any adhesive based product in the following examples.
My labels won’t stick:
- Were the correct labels purchased - permanent vs removable labels?
- Were they applied to a “clean” book? Adhesives won’t stick properly if applied to dusty, dirty or frequently handled or fingerprint covered materials.
- Were the labels or the adhesive backing touched prior to application?
My labels won’t come off the liner:
- Is the liner peeling off with the label? This would indicate a defect in the label run. The die used during manufacturing can cut (and extreme minimal depth) too deep, penetrating the top surface of the liner, thus
creating the issue. If this occurs, notification should be sent immediately to trigger the evaluation of stocked product, vendor notification and resolution.
- If the liner isn’t peeling and the protector is a 1 mil protector, it can sometimes be difficult to remove them because they are thin; you can tear the liner across the corner to easily access the edge of the
protector making it easier to remove.
My labels are fading:
- Are the labels exposed to sunlight? Sunlight fades everything that is exposed to it over time. Just as drapes, clothing, carpet and furniture fade so, too, do other materials.
- Are the labels covered with a protector? Brodart label protectors offer UV resistance to help diminish fading.
- Are the labels thermal or paper stock? Some types of thermal paper fade when exposed to sunlight. If thermal labels are protected with a label protector, the fading diminishes greatly. Paper stock won’t cause the
labels to fade however, some inks may fade due to exposure to sunlight, depending upon the print process used.
My labels are jamming in my printer:
- When was the printer last serviced; when was it last cleaned? Printers need to be kept clean. Over time dust, dirt and adhesive residue can build up and can cause jamming. The frequent assumption is that there has
been a change in the product stock or liner. But, chances are, the equipment simply needs servicing. You will always be advised if there has been a change to the product.
- Are you using SuperBond or foil-backed labels? Printers vary and thicker label sheets may need to be hand fed in order to prevent jamming.
I put label protectors on my labels and now they are turning yellow
- This is a chemical reaction between the adhesive on the protector and the ink used on the label during the printing process. Brodart label protectors have a neutral adhesive and will not cause this reaction.
My labels are peeling up on the corners:
- Were the labels burnished when they were applied?
- How long have the labels been on the book prior to peeling?
- Are the labels square or radius-edge? Radius edge labels are less likely to peel at the corners, and patrons are less inclined to pick at them.
- A good solution is to apply label protectors.
There are specks, like pepper, in my laminate:
- This is most likely a defect that has occurred during the manufacturing process. You should obtain as much information as possible and immediately notify Purchasing and Product Development to resolve.
My label sheets are rippled and the labels are lifting up:
- How old are the labels? Where and how have they been stored?
- Because this problem indicates exposure to moisture, please see the section above for proper storage of adhesive-based products.